Those horrible Moe-ham-id (Ham headed Moe) cartoons
Now why are the turbanned terrorists for the prophet of pederasty so upset about these cartoons?
Even the worse one is the simple truth.
This is the kind of garbage that we have to put up with for letting these flea-bitten refugees from a rug bazarre migrate to the West. Upset these jerks and they'll try to kill your family as well as you. To Hell with them, I say.
I graduated in 1979
and went into the Army in August.
Went to Basic Training
at Ft. Sill OK and AIT
at Fort Huachuca and
Ranger Training at Ft. Benning. From there I
was stationed in several places about the
Pacific and the
Middle East.
In November of ’83 I was
sent to Israel at my
(I lost a brother and 2 cousins in the Beirut
attacks of 83) as special Liaison to Mossad.
I spent the next 2 years
in various places about
the Middle East and was
taken captive by a force
of 20 (there were only 15 left after the attack) in
an attack on an unarmed convoy by paleo-simian terrorists.
To make a long story short, my Mossad counterpart and
I escaped two months later and made our way to
Tel Aviv.
I’ve done everything in
my power since then to
bring the phoney
“religion” of is-lame
to the light of truth,
and will continue to do
so until I no longer draw breath.
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